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√ Soal UKK Bahasa Inggris Kelas 10 K13 dan Kunci Jawaban

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√ Soal UKK Bahasa Inggris Kelas 10 K13 dan Kunci Jawaban

Soal UKK Bahasa Inggris Kelas 10

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√ Soal UKK Bahasa Inggris Kelas 10 K13 dan Kunci Jawaban PDF, DOWNLOAD

Baiklah, langsung saja berikut ini adalah √ Soal UKK Bahasa Inggris Kelas 10 K13 dan Kunci Jawaban. Selamat mengerjakan...

1. Read the following text and answer the questions provided below.
Question number 1 to 4 is based on the following text.
The Rabbit’s Revenge

Long, long ago a rabbit and a lion were neighbors. The lion was very proud, and was fond of boasting about his strength. And though they were such close neighbors, the lion, looked down upon the rabbit, and used to bully and frighten her. Finally, the rabbit could stand it no longer and wanted to get her own back.

One day she went to the lion and said, “Good day, respected elder brother. Imagine it, I met an animal over there who looked exactly like you, and he said to me, ‘Is there anyone in the world who dares stand up to me? If there is, let him come and have a duel with me3. If there is no one, all of you have to submit to my rule and be my servants!” “Oh, he was an intolerable braggart! He is so puffed up with pride that his eyes can’t even light on anyone!”, added the rabbit.

“Oho,” the lion said, “ Didn’t you mention me to him?”

“Yes, indeed,” the rabbit replied. “But it would have been better if I hadn’t, When I described how strong you were, he just sneered and said dreadfully rude things. He even went so far as to say that he wouldn’t take you for his attendant!”

The lion flew into a rage and roared, “ Where is he? Where is he?”

So the rabbit took the lion behind a hill and, not going to near herself, pointed to a deep well from a distance, and said, “He is down there, in the well,”

The lion hastened to the well and glared angrily into it. Yes, there was his rival who even glared back at him angrily. The lion roared, and his enemy roared back. The lion became so furious that his hair lion showed his teeth and lashed out with his paws to scare his rival and his enemy in the well retaliated! In a fit of anger the lion sprang into the air with all he might and then . . . flung himself at the enemy in the well. The result was that the proud lion was instantly drowned.

What do you think of the animal in the well?
a. The image of the lion himself
b. An intolerable braggart
c. A stronger animal
d. Another lion
e. His neighbor
Answer : A

2.The lion was proud of his....
a. hair
b. eyes
c. teeth
d. paws
e. strength
Answer : E

3. What can we learn from the story?
a. Be a good neighbor
b. Don’t be so arrogant
c. We must help each other
d. An enemy can be a good friend
e. A friend in need is a friend indeed
Answer : B

4. What is the main idea of paragraph 2?
a. The lion was too furious that he challanged the other animal to fight
b. The rabbit told the lion that a strong animal challenged him to duel
c. The rabbit and the lion went to a hill to fight the strong animal
d. The rabbit was successful in defeating the lion
e. The lion was challenged by a strong animal
Answer : B

Question number 5 to 9 is based on the following text.
This is the true story "Woe is me" a poor woodcutter cried when he dropped his axe into a deep pond. A friendly water spirit appeared before him with a silver axe and asked, " Is this yours?""No," the woodcutter said.

The spirit returned with a golden axe. "Is this yours?" she asked, "No" said the woodcutter. Then the spirit appeared with his plain wooden axe. "That one is mine!" said the woodcutter happily. "You've been so honest," said the spirit, "take the gold and silver axe too!"

On the way home the woodcutter met a rich merchant. When the merchant heard the woodcutter's tale, he ran to the pond and dropped HIS wooden axe in.

"Woe is me!" he cried. The spirit appeared with a silver axe. "That one is mine!" the merchant said quickly. "You know it is not," said the spirit, and disappeared. The rich man's wooden axe stayed on the bottom of the deep pond.

. . . gave the gold and silver ax to the woodcutter.
a. The owner of the pond
b. The merchant
c. The people
d. The spirit
e. No one
Answer : D

6. The suitable title of the story is The ... .
a. Unfortunate Merchant
b. Honest Woodcutter
c. Cried Woodcutter
d. Spirit of the Pond
e. Miracle Axe
Answer : B

7. What moral education can the readers learn from the story?
a. Never trust to someone
b. Honestly will bring fortune
c. Hard worker never gives up
d. A rich man never gets silver axe
e. Getting a golden axe is not easy
Answer : B

8. "That one is mine!" said the woodcutter (Par 1). The underlined words "That one is mine!" refer to the... .
a. silver axe
b. golden axe
c. deep pond
d. plain wooden axe
e. gold and silver axe
Answer : D

9. The purpose of the text is to ... .
a. tell the truth
b. give information
c. tell the past event
d. entertain the readers
e. persuade the readers
Answer : D

10. "The Story of Toba Lake"
Once upon a time, there was a man who was living in north Sumatra. He lived in a simple hut in a farming field. He did some gardening and fishing for his daily life.

One day, while the man was do fishing, he caught a big golden fish in his trap. It was the biggest catch which he ever had in his life. Surprisingly, this fish turned into a beautiful princess. He felt in love with her and proposed her to be his wife. She said; "Yes, but you have to promise not to tell anyone about the secret that I was once a fish, otherwise there will be a huge disaster". The man made the deal and they got married, lived happily and had a daughter.

Few years later, his daughter would help bringing lunch to her father out in the fields. One day, his daughter was so hungry and she ate his father’s lunch. Unfortunately, he found out and got furious, and shouted; “You damned daughter of a fish”. The daughter ran home and asked her mother. The mother started crying, felt sad that her husband had broken his promise.

Then she told her daughter to run up the hills because a huge disaster was about to come. When her daughter left, she prayed. Soon there was a big earthquake followed by non-stop pouring rain. The whole area got flooded and became Toba Lake. She turned into a fish again and the man became the island of Samosir.

What is the complication in paragraph 3?
a. The mother started crying, felt sad that her husband had broken his promise.
b. His daughter would help bringing lunch to her father out in the fields.
c. His daughter was so hungry and she ate his father’s lunch.
d. The daughter ran home and asked her mother.
e. The man shouted and be furious.
Answer : C

11. One day, a fox was ... around the dark forest.
The correct verb to complete the sentence is ….
a. wandering
b. wander
c. wandered
d. wanders
e. been wandering
Answer : A

12. Unfortunately, he ... into a well. He ... all that he ... to come out of the well, but he ... get out. There was no choice except for staying there until morning.
The next day, a goat walked in that way. He peeped into the well and saw the fox. The goat asked, “What are you doing there?”

The fox replied, “I came down here to drink. The water in this well is the best I’ve ever tasted. Come and try it.”

The goat jumped into the well without thinking. He drank the water. After that, he looked for a way to get out. However, he found himself trapped there without being able to get out.

The correct verbs to complete the sentences are ... .
a. fell, tried, could, could not
b. was falling, tries, could, could not
c. falls, tried, could, can
d. fell, was trying, could, can not
e. was falling, tried, could, could
Answer : A

13. There was no choice except for staying there until morning.
The sentence is written using ….
a. Simple past tense
b. Past continuous tense
c. Past perfect tense
d. Past perfect continuous tense
e. Present continuous tense
Answer : A

14. Choose the sentence that indicates someone was in the middle of something at a certain time in the past.
a. One summer day in a field, a Grasshopper was leaping over and chirping.
b. A fox once saw a crow with a slice of cheese in its beak.
c. An ant passed by with an ear of wheat on his shoulder.
d. One day, a miser sold all that he had and bought a piece of gold.
e. Once upon a time, two frogs lived together in a swamp.
Answer : E

15. The Lion and the Little Mouse
One day, a Lion fell asleep and a little mouse started to run upon him. This has made the lion to wake up. Surprised by the little mouse, the lion placed his pawn upon the little mouse and he was ready to swallow the little mouse.

Why did the lion wake up?
a. The lion woke up because the little mouse ran up and down upon him.
b. The lion did wake up because the little mouse did run up and down upon him.
c. The lion was waking up because the little mouse ran up and down upon him.
d. The lion was waking up because the little mouse was running up and down upon him
e. The lion wakes up because the little mouse runs up and down upon him.
Answer : A

16. One summer day in a field, a Grasshopper was leaping over and chirping. Then, an ant passed by, carrying an ear of corn. The ant was collecting food for the winter.

The negative form of the underlined sentence is ….
a. The ant was not collecting food for the winter.
b. The ant were not collecting food for the winter.
c. The ant did not collect food for the winter.
d. The ant does not collect food for the winter.
e. The ant is not collecting food for the winter.
Answer : A

17. The Fox and the Goat
The goat jumped into the well without thinking. He drank the water. After that, he looked for a way to get out. However, he found himself trapped there without being able to get out.

Then, the fox said, “I have an idea. You can stand on your hind legs and then I’ll climb on your head and get out. After that, I will help you come out.”

The goat was not know the slyness of the fox. He did exactly what the fox told him to do and the fox got out of the well. However, instead of helping the goat like he said he would, the fox was walking away and said, “Had you been clever enough, you would never have gotten in without knowing how to get out.”

a. The goat was not know the slyness of the fox.
b. I have an idea. You can stand on your hind legs and then I’ll climb on your head and get out. After that, I will help you come out.
c. The goat jumped into the well without thinking.
d. However, instead of helping the goat like he said he would, the fox was walking away.
e. Had you been clever enough, you would never have gotten in without knowing how to get out.
Answer : A

Question number 18 to 22 is based on the following text.
At a quarter to three one afternoon, a little girl, about seven years old, was found wandering outside a police officer in Jenderal Sudirman Street. She was wearing a light blue night dress and shoes that were too large for her.

“What’s your name? Where do you live?” a kind policeman asked her. But the little girl looked at him and didn’t say anything. No one seemed to know this lost child. Since the police couldn’t get any information from her, they sent her to Yogya Children’s Center.

At the Children’s Center, the little remained silent and didn’t talk to anyone. As the people didn’t know her name, they began to call her ‘Little One’. ‘Little One’ underwent a medical examination which showed that she was not a normal, healthy child. Although she was not dumb, she remained silent for four days. It was only then that she began to talk.

The nurses looked after her just as they did to other children, and ‘Little One’ seemed quite happy and contended. She was always cheerful and responsive, although she was a bit slow in understanding instructions. When she was allowed to go out of her ward, her face beamed with curiosity and excitement.

Meanwhile, the police tried to find her parents. Their efforts proved worthless when no one came to claim her. She was ‘nobody’s child’.

‘Little One’ had no place to go. The Center became her home.

What does the text mainly about?
a. A little girl with no parents.
b. A child under medical examination.
c. A nurse who take care of children.
d. A policeman who was kind to children.
e. A child who always cheerful and responsive.
Answer : A

19. Where the police find the “Little One”?
a. in her house
b. in a hospital
c. in Jenderal Sudirman Street
d. in a police station
e. in Yogya’s’ Children Center
Answer : C

20. The policeman couldn’t get any information about her because …
a. her parents were angry to the policeman.
b. the nurses asked her not to say anything.
c. the policeman didn’t ask her.
d. she was sick and dumb.
e. she didn’t speak.
Answer : E

21. Which statement is true about “Little One”?
a. She was talkative.
b. She was a smart girl.
c. She was a slow learner.
d. She preferred to be in her ward.
e. She was often visited by her parents.
Answer : D

22. “Their efforts proved worthless ...” (paragraph 5)The sentence means that the police were.…
a. unsuccessful
b. impatient
c. confident
d. convinced
e. doubtful
Answer : A

Question number 23 to 27 is based on the following text.
It was the night of the fair, and the children at Muhammad taufik’s school were really excited. They ran down the path out of school as fast as they could. Muhammad taufik ran all the way home, and changed into his jeans and sneakers. He ate his dinner quickly, and sat at the window waiting for his dad to come home. He couldn’t wait for six o’clock when the fair would begin. He had been saving his pocket money for weeks.

When Muhammad taufik and his family arrived at the fair, it had just opened. Already there were crowds of people swarming around footstalls, displays and dozens of rides. “Can I buy some chips and a drink?” asked MUhammad Taufik.

“Okay,” said Muhammad taufik’s dad. “But hang on tightly to your wallet, there’s a lot of people around.” “I’ll be fine,” said Muhammad taufik impatiently.

He found a footstall, and ordered his food. When the man brought his chips and drink, without thinking, MUhammad Taufik put his wallet on the counter and picked up his food and drink. When he glanced back, his wallet had vanished! MUhammad Taufik desperately looked around him, but it was no use. If only he’d listened to his dad. All his pocket money was gone.

hat does the text talk about?
a. The excited fair experience for Muhammad taufik in the fair.
b. The unpleasant experience for Muhammad taufik in the fair.
c. The nice dinner for Muhammad taufik with his family.
d. The good chip and drink for Muhammad taufik in the fair.
e. The excited traveling for Muhammad taufik in the fair.
Answer : B

24. How is the situation in the fair that night?
a. Many people bought some chips and drink.
b. There were crowds of people riding some horses.
c. There was the man brought his chips and drink.
d. Many people swarmed around footstalls.
e. Many people displayed the dozens of rides.
Answer : D

25. What did Muhammad taufik do before going to the fair?
a. He ate his dinner with his family.
b. He ran all way to the fair.
c. He changed into his jeans and bag.
d. He came home very late.
e. He was waiting for his dad at the window.
Answer : E

26. What happened with Muhammad taufik’s wallet in the fair?
a. It was used to save his pocket money for weeks.
b. It was given by his father in his birthday.
c. It was put on the counter carefully.
d. It might be taken by other person
e. It was used to buy his food and drink
Answer : D

27. “…his wallet had vanished!” (last paragraph). The underlined word "vanished" has the same meaning with…
a. disappeared suddenly
b. disguise suddenly
c. dismiss suddenly
d. distract quickly
e. disclose quickly
Answer : A

Question number 28 to 32 is based on the following text.
Read thoroughly the lyrics of Taylor Swift’s song “Shake it off”
"Shake It Off"
I stay out too late
Got nothing in my brain
That's what people say, mmm-mmm
That's what people say, mmm-mmm

I go on to many dates [chuckle]
But I can't make 'em stay
At least that's what people say, mmm-mmm
That's what people say, mmm-mmm

But I keep cruising
Can't stop, won't stop moving
It's like I got this music
In my mind
Saying, "It's gonna be alright."

'Cause the players gonna play, play, play, play, play
And the haters gonna hate, hate, hate, hate, hate
Baby, I'm just gonna shake, shake, shake, shake, shake
I shake it off, I shake it off
Heart-breakers gonna break, break, break, break, break
And the fakers gonna fake, fake, fake, fake, fake
Baby, I'm just gonna shake, shake, shake, shake, shake
I shake it off, I shake it off

I never miss a beat
I'm lightning on my feet
And that's what they don't see, mmm-mmm
that's what they don't see, mmm-mmm

I'm dancing on my own (dancing on my own)
I make the moves up as I go (moves up as I go)
And that's what they don't know, mmm-mmm
that's what they don't know, mmm-mmm

But I keep cruising
Can't stop, won't stop grooving
It's like I got this music
In my mind
Saying, "It's gonna be alright."

'Cause the players gonna play, play, play, play, play
And the haters gonna hate, hate, hate, hate, hate
Baby, I'm just gonna shake, shake, shake, shake, shake
I shake it off, I shake it off
Heart-breakers gonna break, break, break, break, break
And the fakers gonna fake, fake, fake, fake, fake
Baby, I'm just gonna shake, shake, shake, shake, shake
I shake it off, I shake it off

Shake it off, I shake it off,
I, I, I shake it off, I shake it off,
I, I, I shake it off, I shake it off,
I, I, I shake it off, I shake it off

Hey, hey, hey
Just think while you've been getting down and out about the liars and the dirty, dirty cheats of the world,
You could've been getting down to this sick beat.

My ex-man brought his new girlfriend
She's like "Oh, my god!" but I'm just gonna shake.
And to the fella over there with the hella good hair
Won't you come on over, baby? We can shake, shake, shake

Yeah ohhh

'Cause the players gonna play, play, play, play, play
And the haters gonna hate, hate, hate, hate, hate (haters gonna hate)
I'm just gonna shake, shake, shake, shake, shake
I shake it off, I shake it off
Heart-breakers gonna break, break, break, break, break (mmmm)
And the fakers gonna fake, fake, fake, fake, fake (and fake, and fake, and fake)
Baby, I'm just gonna shake, shake, shake, shake, shake
I shake it off, I shake it off
Shake it off, I shake it off,
I, I, I shake it off, I shake it off,
I, I, I shake it off, I shake it off
I, I, I shake it off, I shake it off

Shake it off, I shake it off,
I, I, I shake it off, I shake it off,
I, I, I shake it off, I shake it off,
I, I, I shake it off, I shake it off

Shake it off, I shake it off,
I, I, I shake it off, I shake it off (you've got to),
I, I, I shake it off, I shake it off,
I, I, I shake it off, I shake it off

Which word best describes the singer’s condition at the beginning of the song?
a. lonely
b. hopeless
c. annoyed
d. discouraged
e. disappointed
Answer : C

29. “But I can't make 'em stay” What does the underlined word refer to?
a. people
b. society
c. her family
d. her friends
e. her ex-boyfriends
Answer : E

30. “I shake it off” What does the underlined word refer to?
a. baby
b. the haters
c. the haters
d. the problem
e. the heart-breakers
Answer : D

31.“Can't stop, won't stop moving” What do the italic words mean?
a. She is running.
b. She keeps walking.
c. She is daydreaming.
d. She keeps doing her best.
e. All the answers are correct.
Answer : D

32. “And the haters gonna hate, hate, hate” What does the underlined word mean?
a. People who hate dancing.
b. People who hate singing.
c. People who don’t care.
d. People who like to praise.
e. People who like to criticize
Answer : E

Question number 33 to 36 is based on the following text.
Read thoroughly the lyrics of A Rocket to the Moon’s song “Ever enough”

"Ever Enough"

No I’m never gonna leave you darling
No I’m never gonna go regardless
Everything inside of me is living in your heartbeat
Even when all the lights are fading
Even then if your hope was shaking
I’m here holding on

I will always be yours forever and more
Through the push and the pull
I still drown in your love
And drink 'til I’m drunk
And all that I’ve done,
Is it ever enough

I’m hanging on a line here baby
I need more than if's and maybe's
We’ll come down from the highest heights
Still searching for the reason why
And now I know what it’s like,
Reaching from the other side
After all that I’ve done

I will always be yours forever and more
Through the push and the pull
I still drown in your love
And drink 'til I’m drunk
And all that I’ve done,
Is it ever enough?

For all that it’s worth, is it worth it?
Cause more than it’s hard to desert it
For all that it’s worth, is it worth it?
How do we know without searching?

I will write you this song to get back what’s ours
Would that be enough?

I will always be yours forever and more
Through the push and the pull
I still drown in your love
And drink 'til I’m drunk
And all that I’ve done,
Is it ever enough?

For all that it’s worth, is it worth it?
Is it ever enough?
How could we know without searching?
Is it ever enough?
What is the singer or ‘I’ feeling at the beginning of the song?
a. sad
b. happy
c. hopeful
d. encouraging
e. disappointing
Answer : D

34. ‘For all that it’s worth’ What does the underlined word mean?
a. have a value
b. need to be treated
c. has no significance
d. not really important
e. does not have any meaning
Answer : A

35. ‘Reaching from the other side’ What does the underlined word mean?
a. treating the girl
b. working from far
c. trying to be closer
d. gaining something
e. being in different places
Answer : C

36. ‘And now I know what it is like’ What does the underlined word refer to?
a. the place
b. the feeling
c. the problem
d. the situation
e. the circumstance
Answer : E

37. We use recount text to tell our holiday experience. When writing it, the part which tells the location of our holiday is the ....
a. Orientation
b. Introduction
c. Conclusion
d. Discussion
e. Coordinate
Answer : A

38. In leisure time, sometime we read someone’s experience on spending their holiday. The ultimate purpose of reading such text is....
a. to get some information and entertainment
b. to spy someone’s activity
c. to track the location of his/her holiday
d. to entertain by reading funny experience
e. to persuade people visiting the some particular places
Answer : A

39. Last week I and my family went to Parangtritis. We played sand and wave all day. When the evening was going to come, the view of the beach was amazing. ….

Choose the most suitable sentence to complete the passage.
a. We took a beautiful photograph of a golden sunset.
b. We take a beautiful photograph of a golden sunset.
c. We stay there a little longer.
d. We go home after seeing the sunset.
e. We enjoy the sunset.
Answer : A

40. Irfan : How are you Romi?
Romi: Hi Irfan It’s very nice to see you. How was your holiday?
Irfan: It was amazing. I swam with dolphin in their natural environment.
Romi: Really? ….
Irfan: I visited Loverna Beach in Bali island.

The most appropriate expression to complete the passage is ….
a. Where did you go?
b. Where did you go?
c. Where you had your holiday?
d. Where can you visited it?
e. Where was you visit it?
Answer : A

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